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Data Subject Application Form

You can make an application to us through the methods and by the procedures outlined in this form in respect of your requests detailed below, which are within the scope of your rights foreseen under article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law numbered 6698 (the “Law”). 
Data Controller Inforte Bilişim Anonim Şirketi 
You can use your rights in the manner and through the methods set forth below: 
Written Application 
Can be made in person or through Notary Public bearing the original signature 
Kozyatağı Mahallesi Değirmen Sokak No: 16/12 Kadıköy İstanbul 
The requirements shall be met by indicating the information and the documents, which are outlined in this form, and “PDPL Data Subject Application” shall be written on the envelope/notice of the application form. 
Application via Registered Electronic Mail (REM) 
Can be made via registered 
electronic mail 
(REM) address 
The requirements shall be met by indicating the information and the documents in the content of the REM message and “PDPL Data Subject Application” shall be written in the subject section. 
Application via Electronic Mail Posta (e-mail) 
Can be made via e-mail including the mobile signature/e-signature.. 
The requirements shall be met by indicating the information and the documents in the content of the e-mail message and “PDPL Data Subject Application” shall be written in the subject section. 
In case you make an application in line with the procedures and principles outlined in this form, to us, your requests shall be concluded as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest depending on the nature of your requests for free of charge. However, in case the action causes an expense, the fee, which is indicated in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board may be requested. 
Our responses will be delivered to you in writing or via electronic medium. Therefore, please inform us of the channel, through which you would like to be contacted and the relevant information as set forth below. 
Identity Number: (TRIDN, Passport, etc.) 
Rem Address: 
I would like to receive the response through the method, which I indicated below (Please choose one) 
(     ) 
(     ) 
(     ) 
In order for us to be able to evaluate the application, please specify in detail your request within the scope of your rights in Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law numbered 6698, which are indicated in the first section of this form. 
a. Client 
a.      Customer 
b.     Visitor 
c.      Business Partner 
d.     Supplier 
e.      Former Employee 
f.      Job Applicant/ Sender of a CV 
g.     Other.................. 
Explanation (Information such as a source of relationship, department with which you are communicating, date, term of the relationship, agreement, etc.) :……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 
To be able to evaluate the application by you to us, please specify in detail your request within the scope of your rights in Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law numbered 6698, which are indicated in the first section of this form.   
This application form is drawn up to determine your relationship with our Company in order to process your application, respond to the requests in your application, determine your personal data as a data subject and be able to respond to your relevant application accurately and within the legal period to evaluate and conclude your application. Our Company reserves the right to request additional information and documents for the determination of identity and authorization within the scope of the application and the evaluation of the application. It is required that the information and documents about your requests relayed within the scope of your application are relayed by an authorized person and are accurate and up to date. In case of an unauthorized application or that, it is determined that the information and documents are not accurate or up to date, our Company shall not be liable and in such case, our Company reserves the right to decline the application. The information and documents specified in this form and relayed to us shall be processed by our Company in a limited capacity to evaluate, respond, and concluding the application made according to article 13 of the Law. Information received within the scope of the form and the application may be obtained in writing, verbally, and in electronic medium or physical medium. In line with the review conducted within this scope, the relevant information may be shared with the company and its subsidiaries and, for the conclusion of such application, with third persons and companies, from which services are received, such as a law firm. You may use your rights in Article 11 of the Law numbered 6698 by the procedures and under the conditions outlined in this form. 
Name Surname of the Applicant Data Subject (Owner of Personal Data): 
Application Date: 
Signature :