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efficient iP

efficient iP

EfficientIP is a global DNS security company founded in 2006 and headquartered in Paris, France. The company provides DNS security and network infrastructure solutions to over 15,000 organizations worldwide. EfficientIP's solutions support organizations' digital transformation by protecting against cyberattacks, optimizing network performance and reliability, and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.


EfficientIP’s core solutions include:


DNS Security It provides protection against DNS spoofing, phishing, and other cyberattacks.

Network Infrastructure Management: It optimizes the performance and reliability of DNS servers and network devices.

Compliance Management: It ensures compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR and PCI DSS.



SOLID server-DDI

DNS Intelligence Center

DNS Threat Pulse

DNS Blast

Cloud Observer

DDI Observability Center


5 Reasons WHY EIP DDI is Better


What is DNS? Demystifying the Domain Name System

What is DDI? A DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management Primer from EfficientIP

Network and Security Teams Collaboration a Key to Successful Digital Transformation

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