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+90 216 445 23 23




Thales is a leading company in data security, identity, and access management, trusted by over 30,000 organizations worldwide and included in the Forbes 500 list. Enterprise companies rely on Thales to enable the secure transition of devices and services used by millions of consumers to the cloud, meet regulatory compliance requirements, and derive greater value from their software. Thales' solutions authenticate user identities, provide access to digital services, and protect large amounts of sensitive data in both fixed and mobile environments.


Thales' IAM (Identity and Access Management) and CIAM (Customer Identity and Access Management) solutions provide secure identity and access management for both employees and customers. These solutions include features like multi-factor authentication (MFA) and single sign-on (SSO) to protect internal systems and identities. Thales' CIAM solution enhances customer experiences with secure login, adaptive authentication, and user self-service, while ensuring compliance with privacy regulations like GDPR. These solutions offer a unified platform that balances security, scalability, and user convenience for organizations managing both internal and customer identities.






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